The process of counseling may include, but is not limited to: Helping you to resolve personal issue, (2) Education concerning the root of personal difficulties, (3) Learning and applying new skills, (4) Rejecting destructive ways of thinking and behaving, (5) Gaining knowledge and insight concerning personal motivations, (6), Working through issues of woundedness and unforgiveness and, (7) Learning to develop healthy relationships with yourself or others
Stages of change :
The stages of change model suggests that individuals attempting to change behaviour move through a sequence of stages of change:
1. Precontemplation – not interested in changing AOD use. Provide harm reduction information and where possible negotiate safer methods of using.
2. Contemplation – starting to think about changing their behaviour. Motivational interviewing is useful for clients in this stage.
3. Preparation – a decision to change has been made. The client is now thinking about putting it into effect. Goal setting, planning, identifying triggers for relapse and problem solving are useful for clients in this stage.
4. Action – clients are changing their behaviour. The counsellor can assist with relapse prevention and management and reinforcing positive changes.
5. Maintenance – clients are focused on maintaining the positive changes. Continue to reinforce the positive changes that have been made and encourage clients to begin working towards their longer-term lifestyle goals.
Clients may relapse from any stage of change to previous one. See Relapse Prevention chapter in this guide for more information.
Resources: Overeaters Anonymous Alcoholics Anonymous Adult Children of Alcoholics Al-Anon / Alateen Narcotics Anonymous